

We restrict the advertising of discounts on our products to five percent (5%) off keystone (double) the current wholesale price, regardless of any discount you may receive from us or your distributor. This policy applies only to advertised prices and does not apply to the price at which the products are actually sold or offered for sale to an individual consumer within the dealer’s retail location or over the telephone – you are free to sell our products at any price you choose. Other than in‐store advertising that is displayed only in the store premises, this policy applies to all advertisements of our products in any and all media, including flyers, posters, coupons, mailers, inserts, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, mail order catalogs, email newsletters, email solicitations, Internet or similar electronic media, television, radio, and public signage. This policy is adopted to protect the reputation of our product and our trademarks, to encourage retailers to invest in tangible and intangible services or promotional efforts that aid in competition with other brands of windchimes, and to restrict the free‐ride some retailers might obtain from these services being offered by other non‐discounting retailers, thereby increasing overall demand for our products. We reserve the right to discontinue shipping products to customers who fail to abide by these restrictions.

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